The primary interests of Marine Living Resources are marine ecosystems, marine organisms distribution and their relationships with each other and their surroundings. In this context, our institution carries out the investigation of the biological and the ecological characteristics of many species, populations and communities in different scales by performing autoecologic, sinecologic and demecologic studies in our seas starting from the Prokaryotic organisms (bacteria and archaea) up to the most advanced of marine mammals. Several studies are carried out in order to determinate, monitor and protect the biodersity in our surrounding seas. Identifying, monitoring and assessment studies are performed for impacts caused by natural events or human impact on marine and coastal areas. In addition to these studies, the effects of climate changes on the marine ecosystem, indicators, alien and invasive species, pollution sources and effects, determination of fisheries resources, stock prediction and management, sustainable use of stocks, our current fisheries policies in dealing with challenges such as the production and investigation of the environmental impact of aquaculture on issues being studied.
In the research;
• Trawlers, beam trawlers, IKMT (Isaac Kidd Midwater Trawl), Van Veen grab, Orange-peel, Box-corer, Drej, different types of plankton nets, Nansen, and sampling tools and systems such as the Rosette-Sampler,
• CTD profile devices, current meter and the discharge profile devices, photosynthetic light meter, Sidescan Echo Sounder, Scientific Echo Sounder and physical measuring devices, such as Net Sounder,
• Atomic, UV and Mass Spectrophotometer, measuring nutrient auto-analyzer, PCR, electrophoresis, gas and chemical measuring devices such as liquid chromatography,
• A variety of image registration system steoro-microscope, phase contrast, light and epifloresan microscopes are used.
Evaluation of the data obtained was subjected to analysis of spatial, Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing applications that allow Matlab, Foxpro, ArcGIS, Erdas, Idrisi, MapViewer, Ocean Data View, and so on., software can be utilized. Physical oceanographic models (Killworth model with the help of Princeton MSDEW other software, MIKADO, NEMO, etc.) is used in the analysis of hydrographic characteristics of the study area.